Since there are lots of criminal defense lawyers providing their services in the market, you might find it very difficult to hire a good criminal defense lawyer for your criminal case. However, you should do whatever it takes to hire a qualified criminal defense lawyer for your case, as it can mean the difference between you spending a free life, and spending years behind bars.
But unfortunately, not every criminal defense lawyer is made equal. That is why incompetent lawyers try to use deceiving tactics to attract more clients. In this article, we have mentioned some of the red flags you should avoid when hiring a LA defense attorney.
Trying to Scare You
We all know that criminal cases can have serious consequences. Losing a criminal case can mean years of prison time, and permanent criminal conviction. However, the job of a good criminal lawyer is to help you navigate through the process of winning a criminal case without much hassle, and not making the whole thing complex and scary for you. The attorneys who scare you into hiring them our only after your money.So, you better avoid hiring such lawyers in your case.
Promising Certain Results/ Outcomes
Some lawyers will try to attract your attention by promising you specific results in your criminal case. Keep in mind that nothing is written in stone when it comes to criminal cases, as every case has its own complexities and consequences. So, never get tricked into hiring a lawyer just because they are promising you specific results in your criminal case.
Pressuring You in Free Consultation
A majority of the criminal defense lawyers provide free consultation to listen to your case before you can hire them. You should avoid hiring a lawyer who tries to pressure you into hiring them in the very first free consultation session.